

This gorgeous girl is Bella! Bella is 9 years old and an absolute sweetheart! She was quite stressed when she first came in, but even then she was very friendly and wanting pets.

Since she has settled in, this desire for pets has increased even more and she will let you know! She can always be heard meowing for attention from staff!

Bella would love to go to a home where there isn’t young children, but could go to a family home with teenagers! She would like to be able to go outside and explore so will need safe outdoor access.

Apply now to adopt Bella

Questions.. Questions.. We know there’s a fair few.  But, the more information we can gather from you now, the quicker we can match you to this pet or another one.  A few minutes of your time now will also allow us to spend more time with the animals when you come to the sanctuary.

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Your generous contributions make a huge difference to the animals we care for and also helps us to continue our work & success.