


Meet Kola, this girl came to us with her 5 sisters and has proven very cat friendly and very affectionate girl, however when Kola came to us she had to get an emergency vet visit as she was poorly.

Since then her health has gone on a rollercoaster, 1 day improving the next day not.

Finally we have been able to come to a diagnosis, Kola has a mass in the back of her mouth that she will never recover from….

We would love this girls final time to be in a home, she is on meds and this will be end of life.

That is why we are offering to have her out on foster, you provide a loving home and we will provide the rest for her.

Unfortunately she will need to be the only pet in the home to keep stress to a minimum and prevent any spread of disease (although this is very unlikely, one cannot be too safe).

She will need to be a housecat, meaning no going outside at all just encase of a accident.

Apply now to adopt Kola

Questions.. Questions.. We know there’s a fair few.  But, the more information we can gather from you now, the quicker we can match you to this pet or another one.  A few minutes of your time now will also allow us to spend more time with the animals when you come to the sanctuary.

Make a Donation

Your generous contributions make a huge difference to the animals we care for and also helps us to continue our work & success.